It's hot. Muggy, sweaty, sticky hot. It's not going to get better for a few days, tomorrow's forecast being even worse, so I am trying to catch up on some indoor chores until it is habitable outside again. Today I am washing all the slipcovers, a chore I normally reserve for the first week of the month, but this month included a barbeque on the fourth and it seemed silly to wash them only to host 50 people a day later.
This week will be devoted to curriculum orders, lesson plans, pretty notebooks, book lists and vacation lists. We have a nice week off coming up soon and I need to start thinking about planning.
We had some violent thunderstorms last night which, fortunately, only woke me. We lost power but it was on again by this morning and only interrupted my nightly dishwaser cycle. I wish it had cooled things down.
I have been considering buying a wheatgrass kit. Has anyone used these successfully? I am a well known bringer of death to plants so I am wondering if it is worth it or should I just spend the money at the grocery store on sprouts?
For dinner tonight I am completely at sea. I think maybe some chicken in the crockpot. Maybe then make a dinner salad with the chicken.
Last week was hectic here, Kelli and Bridget attended Irish step dance camp and Katie taught at the camp, it was a break in the summer routine for them and completely agonizing for me to get three lunches packed every morning. Homeschool moms don't pack lunch.
I plan to do a little thrifting this week, hopeully I'll have some treasures to share soon.
Have a happy Monday everyone, keep cool.
Magna articulum. Lorem ipsum communicare nobiscum est scelerisque elit, Donec, Lorem ipsum vigiliarum mearum.
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