The book. You know what I’m talking about. The book everyone seems to be talking about these days. “Fifty Shades of Grey” is holding on to a top spot on the New York Times best seller list in both the e-book and paperback categories and has only recently moved to number two in the hard cover category. To date, the trilogy has sold upwards of 31 million copies, which is not bad considering it started life as an online Twilight fan fiction story. Twilight, a trilogy poorly written by Stephenie Meyer, is billed as vampire romance that spawned page after page of similarly poorly written erotica online.
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Thank you for writing this article. Finding articles decrying male pornography use is easy but to find a well written article for women on the dangers of reading erotica is not as easy a search. Again, thank you.
You are very welcome!
MaryEllen~ Reading your post brought tears to my eyes. THANK YOU. Thank you for speaking the Truth about what sacramental intimacy means!!! I also have been horrified at the positive press this pornography has received among faith-filled women. They refuse to see it for what it is — debasing that most holy of blessings God has ordained for spouses. A woman reading this garbage is no different than a man watching a porn movie.
Your comments about praying for your husband are spot on, of course. If I ever stop desiring my husband or if I get “bored” with him, the answer lies not in public pornography, but in deep, personal prayer between me and my Lord.
Thank you for being a voice for God. For warning those who might be tempted to lower themselves for a seemingly more exciting time in the bedroom.
And thank you for making me laugh, too. As a homeschooling mother of 8, your comment about the free bad grammar in your house was a welcoming chuckle!
White Oak, PA
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