After taking down all the Christmas decorations and giving everything a thorough clean up I was able to spend some time tweaking the corners, so to speak.
Dave was laughing at me when I did the mantle. I had taken off the Nativity figures and dusted and polished the wood and then could not, for the life of me, remember what I had up there before. Other than the statue of Our Lady. So that gave me free reign. Senility means everything is always new right?
This is mama's reading chair. Or rather, the chair I try to read in. Usually I am joined by a small one with their own book or game so I get very little done there. It's a better spot for all that though. The small bowl contains shells I collected on a trip Dave and I took to Key West this past September. Heavenly that trip was and I love to look at that bowl and relish the memories.
This is a not so fresh corner. It's the "keeping it real" portion of the post. This is what that table, which is at the back of the dining room, looks like when "school" time is over. I usually straighten it up at some point before we all drag it all out again the next day. On the weekends it goes away.
This was last week. I do this every year totally copying Dawn. I never remember it until I read that she has done it and off I go to buy lovely white carnations. If you look in the mantle picture these flowers are the ones at the feet of Our Lady. The red turned a very pale pink, almost no color, but the others colored right up. The twins were fascinated.
This is what the window looks like now. Try to ignore the messy deck. There is still some vestiges of hurricane and nor'easter mess out there. If I ignore it long enough I'm hoping it will fix itself.
It probably won't.
The photo is a trifle gloomy since the sun does not hang around here much anyone.
So those are my little efforts this week. I am very grateful to have this house and the ability to putter around making it more pleasant for the treasures I am blessed to spend my lie here with.
Have you been puttering lately?
PS – Don't forget the Hobby Lobby Give-A-Way!!!!
Had to laugh … I did exactly the same thing when I looked at my mantle …. 🙂