Today is the sixteenth birthday of our dear Katie. She is such a wonderful daughter and sixteen is such a great age that we, of course, had to have a big celebration for her. We are party people after all.
Katie picked old Hollywood glamour as her theme. I have to say her friends really ran with the theme. Many of the boys came in tuxedos and had top hats and canes. The girls were inspired by the dresses of the 20's 30's and 40's. There were many gowns and gloves, fascinators and feathers. I loved how creative they all were. The invite said "dress to impress" and they took it to heart.
May I share with you some of our pictures?
This was the entry into the party room. My friend Tricia made this for a dance at her son's school and she very kindly lent it to me. She also came and set it up, for which I was profoundly grateful.
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Tales From The Bonny Blue House: Sweet Sixteen