Twenty-one years is a long time for a lot of things, to be sick or unhappy or stuck in an awful job but twenty-one years of being married to the right man and being loved in just the right ways seems to have sped by in the blink of an eye. So in honor of our marriage coming of age let me share twenty-one reasons why I love this man. Then, later when he gets home, we will toast this milestone and begin looking forward to the future because when you are married to a man such as this, the future is always bright.
Twenty-one reasons I love David.
- He laughs at my jokes
- He makes time, early in the morning, to perk my coffee.
- On Saturday he brings the coffee to me in bed.
- In the darkest hours of our life, he was my strength, he kept me sane and he kept our family together and focused on the big picture – God's plan.
- He does laundry.
- He doesn't mind that I hate math and will do anything I can to avoid it.
- He is passionately supportive of my homeschooling.
- And so he pretends not to notice all the checks I write to pay fines at the library
- and many a few traffic tickets.
- He reaches for my hand during Mass.
- He watches Downton Abbey reruns with me, the day after I watched the original just because I can't get enough of it.
- He buys me perfume because I love it.
- He does not complain when I over pack for every single trip.
- He was the first person I saw at the finish line when I ran my first 5K.
- He was actually the first person to believe I could run a 5K.
- He plays guitar in a band so I can finally be a groupie.
- When he kisses me, I still get a little weak in the knees.
- He loves to snuggle babies.
- He does not mind that I often work for free because I love what I do.
- He works really, really hard to provide a nice life for us.
- He's loves me, and believe me, that's not easy.
There are many more reasons, but there are also many more years to come. Blessed am I in this man and this marriage.
Congrats to your both! Jesus must be smiling at you two!
Thanks so much Pat.