- She's my partner in crime. We laugh together a lot.
- She's more obssessed with British TV than I am.
- She takes lovely pictures.
- She was my first little girl, my lifelong dream realized, a pink fuzzy dream come true.
- She works super hard on her schoolwork.
- She is passionate about things.
- She's ardently pro-life.
- She has big dreams, lots of goals and is steadily working toward them
- She is a great big sister. They all count on her (although they don't all own up to it).
- She has a lovely laugh.
- I can hand her a pile of craft stuff and she makes what I want. I love that.
- She loves Mass.
- She does what she says she is going to do.
- She answers the phone when it's a telemarketer.
- She ties all my scarves for me, apparantly I'm unskilled in this area.
- She's a bonafide daddy's girl.
- She's a gift from God for which her father and I thank Him everday.
We love you dear Katie, seventeen is going to be a very good year!
You forget ‘she is beautiful’! Happy Birthday Katie!