We are a little late off the mark this week, I had to take a few of the children to the dentist this morning and that always throws me off.
Let's talk about lunches. Packing lunches for the husbands going to work or the child in school can save a lot of money. This is not my favorite chore, I don't know why but it just bugs me, silly because it does save a lot of money and it also ensures that my junk food loving husband eats a healthier mid day meal. Usually I pack him a lunch of something I have left over from dinner. I try not to pack what we had the previous evening (variety is helpful) but something that was a day or so ago and retooled into something a little different. Chicken breasts become a chicken caeser salad or sliced steak made into fajitas, that kind of thing. I find it easier to plan these lunches when cleaning up for dinner. Since the kids actually do the kitchen clean up I will set aside something before serving the meal to be saved for a lunch. Then after dinner I'll pack it up, add what's needed and store it in the fridge or freezer. Then I let the kids do their magic. 😉
I took longer to type it than it does to do it, and since it helps both the budget and the blood pressure why not take a few minutes to plan some lunches for your out-of-the-house people. I also always try to keep a good supply of Greek yogurt, fruit, nuts and trail mix for snacks. Sometimes I make the mixes and granola bars, sometimes they are store bought. He's gone from the house for 14-15 hours a day so a few snacks help keep him away from the vending machine.
Some great tools to help with the packing:
A big thermos for soup and chili
Containers - I know those Bento Boxes are pretty but Dave doesn't really care about pretty and they are quite spendy. He commutes on the train and if they got cracked or if he left them I would have a fit. I buy the rubbermaid and gladware and if something happens to them it's fine.
So here is my plan for the week, what's yours?
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This lunch discussion is terribly timely, as I just assembly-lined 3 days’ of lunches for myself (all the same thing–leftover dinner from tonight). I’m substitute-teaching the next 3 days and it’s nice to know that I’ve got the main course assembled. Just add fruit and a granola bar and I’m all set for the day.