I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas celebration. If you are anything like me you are spending these days, the feast of St. Stephen and beyond, curled up in your pjs and not moving a muscle. I tend to spend these days reading, eating and waiting for it to be late enough to have a cocktail or glass of wine. Or some homemade Irish Cream, God help the child who asks me to do anything.
I thought I might help you spend the weekend goofing off on the internet by providing some reading material.
This article at the National Catholic Register by Marge Fenelon celebrates the real Christmas season, which begins today.
Feminism and the Razing of the Village was floating around Facebook this week. Thought provoking reading.
Since the twelve days of Christmas begin today you might want to have the family read this funny article by Debbie Gaudino Twelve Days of Christmas: Free Gifts for a Catholic Homeschool Mom, her gift list is mine :).
A good listen (get the head phones) is this Ted Talk called The Happy Secret to Better Work. It’s only twelve minutes and he makes it all come together at the ten minute mark. Before that it’s pretty funny.
A tug at the heartstrings. this quick video of a lady seeing her newly adopted granddaughter for the first time. Her son and his wife, who are in the Air force, did not tell his mom that the adoption had happened. They just showed up to surprise her for Christmas. It’s such a sweet and joyful moment.
The video of the grandma surprised with the newly adopted granddaughter was so cute!
Wasn’t it? I smiled all day.