My friend Maureen Wittman recently posted, what she called, a rant on the Homeschool Connections Facebook page. I’ll let you read it yourself but the upshot was that homeschool moms are often referred to as “just a mom” and not regarded as the professional educators that they are. You may not have an education degree but you work day and night at educating your children so a professional you are in mine and Maureen’s opinion.
It’s long been a pet peeve of mine that mothering isn’t given the respect it deserves as a full time occupation beyond the respect of just raising children. When Dave and I made the decision that I would stay home with our children I was accused of putting too much financial pressure on him, wasting my education and one never forgotten conversation implied I was lazily taking the “easy way out” of working.
A woman’s desire to make a home and raise her children should receive the same respect and regard as the decision to continue a career after motherhood. Both decisions are worthy and both are extremely personal but only one generally gets lauded. It’s one of those topics that pops up in women’s magazines occasionally usually with an irritating and provoking title including the phrase “mommy wars”, a phrase designed to make all women feel defensive.
The decision to home educate should also be regarded as a worthy professional decision for there is no person more invested in doing a good job of things than a mother who wants the best for her children. Why is teaching other people’s children worthwhile but teaching your own foolish? I would never criticize a parent who chooses to send their children to school because; it’s a valid choice and, mostly, it’s none of my business however homeschooling moms often get questioned and criticized as to their motives and abilities when their choice is discovered. It drives me nuts.
I have spent a large part of the last ten years trying to encourage moms in their journey as professional educators through my writing and speaking engagements and toward that end I would like to encourage you to join myself and five extremely interesting and encouraging guests at the Inspire Conference hosted by Homeschool Connections. The free webinar will take place this Friday, August 17th from 10am until 4:00pm (EST) and will offer the wisdom and with of Jennifer Mackintosh, Dave Palmer, Tony Agnesi, Bonnie Landry and Dawn Hanigan.
It’s going to be a wonderful day of laughing, sharing, encouragement and, yes, inspiration.
I would like to encourage you to consider this, and days like this, as your professional development day. Teachers in public schools, private schools and religious schools are encouraged to take professional development classes and seminars to keep them current, to refresh, their spirits and give them some much needed encouragement and inspiration. Homeschooling mothers and fathers are in equal need of this. I see so many weary and defeated moms in my travels speaking at IHM Conferences and I’m always so grateful they’ve taken the time to come and refresh themselves. Now this webinar is designed to Inspire you for the coming year and all from the comfort of your own computer. You can watch from home or take the show on the road to your local library or coffee shop. You can sign up for only a few sessions or spend the day watching all five. It’s totally up to you because Homeschool Connections, and I, understand your need for flexibility.
Click here to view the lineup and to register and I hope you say hi in the chat box when you attend!
Paola @ Swallow the World says
I’m not yet a mom, but in the future I want to stay at home with my children and homeschool them! And almost no one understand me… what’s worse, they mock me or get quite aggressive. But then, I’m the radical, yeah, sure… Thanks for this post, I love reading blogs about family and homeschooling <3