I have a new column up at Catholic Mom about what Trig Palin can teach the world. Please go over and let me know what you think.
Everday Miracles
"You should leave schooling your child to the experts.""There are experts who can deal with that for you.""Read this book, it’s written by an expert.""You should really call in an expert for him/her." These are a few phrases that you will hear over the course of your experience in raising your child. These phrases tend […]
Autism Christmas
The holiday season with all of it’s sights, sounds and food choices are a great joy for most people. HOwever, children with developmental disabilities, sensory disorders, anxiety disorders or any nuerological impairment find this a season of pain, frustration and bewilderment. See my column at Catholic Mom for tips about how to cope to make […]
My Daily Miracles
column is new over at Catholic Mom. Let me know what you think.
Catholic Mom
Lisa Hendey the wonderful and talented founder of Catholic Mom has graciously given me column space to write about issues regarding special needs children. Hopefully I can live up to the host of other wonderful moms who write there. Please visit Daily Miracles if you have a moment and say a little prayer that I […]