Maureen Wittman had a genius of an idea. An online midwinter homeschool conference. It's ongoing through February. There were some sessions in January but don't worry, you can sign up and listen to them. I am going to have to since they took place while I was tending to my husband while he was in […]
CHAPLET Conference
Wonderful, encouraging, fun… Those are just a few words to describe the CHAPLET Conference in Berlin, New Jersey. The ladies and gentleman of New Jersey are so welcoming and warm, with such generosity of spirit. They are really blessed in that community. I felt so honored to have been part of the day. Did I take […]
CHAPLET Conference
Are you going? I will be there. This is one of those conferences I have wanted to attend for a while and when they were crazy kind enough to ask me to speak it was a wonderful bit of serendipity for me. So I will be leaving this afternoon, the children in the capable hands […]
IHM Conference
I had such a lovely time. Really! First off I was with some great ladies. Four of us traveled down to Virginia and we had a very pleasant ride. It's nice to travel with the girls, between us we've had twenty-nine children, so there was no issue about stopping for bathroom breaks. :). Whenever someone […]
The Word Made Flesh
Good morning friends. I wanted to make everyone aware of a wonderful event that is to take place here on Long Island in June at which myself and many of my writing colleagues will be found . Drum roll please…. The Catholic Writers of Long Islandpresents “The Word Made Flesh: A Day of Encouragement and […]