What do you do when your CSA delivery of zucchini is so abundant as to send the troops running for cover when they see it? Why you douse it in sugar and cinnamon. Of course in our current 100+ temperatures you should wait until the evening or do what I do and up the a/c to turn on the oven.
Here's the recipe:
3 cups all purpose flour (I use half wheat)
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
3 tsp cinnamon
3 eggs
1 cup oil
2 1/4 cups white sugar
3 tsp vanilla
2 cups grated zucchini
1 cup chopped walnut
Preheat the oven to 325 degrees. Butter and flour two 8 inch loaf pans.
Sift dry ingredients into a bowl.
Blend oil, eggs, vanilla and sugar in a mixer until smooth.
Gradually add dry ingredients to the wet. Mix until smooth.
Add the zucchini and blend until all of the zucchini is wet.
Divide into the loaf pans and bake for one hour.
Cool 10 minutes and then remove from pans.
That looks yummy! I have a wonderful recipe for chocolate zucchini bread that I’d be happy to share with you if you are running out of ways to prepare that delicious green veggie.
Ooh,,,you’re singing my song. I think I’ll make this now! I don’t have a CSA membership, or even a garden this year, but I have generous friends and too much zucchini in the fridge!
Art originates from life, but higher than life!
Looks delicious! I bet the same recipe would also make wonderful muffins. We like zucchini cooked with onions, a bit of bacon and tomatoes…topped with mozzarella cheese – yum. 🙂
Great!i love to try that recipe…i believe that’s really yummy…I feel hungry now.
Glad I ran into this site. Hope you don’t mind if I tweet your post. I’ll check back for your go ahead.
Maryellen, I love this recipe and I refer to it all the time. I did slightly change it by doubling the amount of zucchini. It makes it very moist (but not mushy). Thanks for sharing it.
I am entirely attracted by the good stuff.Happy to sharing the great blog with you.Good luck to you.
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