Saturday night we had dinner at the beach. Robert Moses beach here on Long Island is probably one of the most beautiful places in the world. We arrived at about 4:00 p.m. and our friends had already gathered at a great spot near the water. The tide was coming in so there were some great waves crashing on the shore. We all brought light dinner and lots of munchies. Theresa had this amazing zucchini pie. One plain and another with tomato and other wonderful things in it. We sat and watched the kids, we swam, flew Ryan’s huge shark kite and watched the sun go down.
These kids have it pretty good.
After the beach got too chilly our friend Angela asked us back to her house to continue the fun. They had been on their boat earlier that day and her husband Rob and their son Joe had been clamming with great success. Angela has the most beautiful backyard with a built in heated swimming pool. Rob whipped up the best linguine with clam sauce I have ever tasted and Theresa and Gene brought some shrimp. Gene made a spicy shrimp that was amazing. Dave played lifeguard to the many, many children in the pool while the other guys cooked.
What an evening!
How blessed we are. We have these amazing friends who call us up and say “come to the beach.” Their generosity and hospitality are truly a beautiful example of God’s abundant love for us. What could be better than a sunset dinner on the beach and then linguine and fresh clams in a yard filled with happy children.
Heaven came to Long Island this weekend.
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