Today began the local homeschool group ice skating Fridays. For seven or eight Fridays during the winter we meet at a local ice rink and are offered a discount on lessons and rentals. The children get some much needed winter excercise and the moms get exhausted. Some from skating and all from the sheer effort it takes to get gear for 4,5,6,7 children (and some families have more) packed up and in the car. Then dragged into the rink with toddlers and strollers and all else. Then the fun of making sure everyone is in their helmets, snow pants, skates lace and good heavens where are your gloves? Get all that accomplished, occupy the toddlers with some play-doh, trains and little ponies, sit down to chat and here they all come…
Is there anything to eat?
I do enjoy it but I am fairly certain it gets us moms out of a little time that would otherwise be spent in Purgatory.
Leonie says
Loved your comments – we go indoor ice skating, with other homeschoolers, fortnightly during the school year.
I am such a bad skater! lol!