As with all things to do with that Emerald Isle, we love St. Brigid’s day here in the Bonny Blue House. Especially now that we have our own bonny Bridget to celebrate with us. Alas, she slept through our little tea time – but there is always next year.
So I set up a tea based upon one of our favorite Irish stories St. Brigid’s Cloak by Bryce Milligan. I made St. Brigid’s Bread which is a recipe generously shared by Dawn on the 4 Real Boards which she found in her copy of Ann Ball’s Catholic Traditions in the Home and Classroom. It was a quick recipe to get together and the house smelled wonderfully cinnamonny while it baked.
This was the set up. I put out a tea light holder of the Nativity which happened to blend nicely with the book. There was pink Fiestaware and white china. Of course Irish Breakfast tea was the beverage. I had intended to bake up some soda bread as well last night but the twins had other plans, staying up until 10:00. I don’t generally start baking at 10:00 at night and I see no reason to start now. I will try to get to the soda bread today.
While everyone ate I read the story and then using our Catholic Mosaic as a guide we discussed the story. After tea I cleared the table and brought out some materials to make a page in the Liturgical notebooks.
Cay’s suggestion was to use dark blue felt but there wasn’t any to be found at the two craft stores I visited this past weekend. Does this mean everyone is using Catholic Mosaic? I hope so! I did find this lovely midnight blue scrapbook paper with a pretty sheen to it.
After the page was done I had them use their pretty liturgical paper to do the copywork suggested in the study guide. This was the result. They are now in page protectors and in the notebooks. It was great fun. Thank you Cay and Dawn for enriching our day!
And this is a bonny Bridget celebrating her feast day by sitting up.
Can you give that little cutie-pie a feast day kiss for me? My goodness, what a honey.
Oh, Mary Ellen, what a *lovely* day!!! I am so glad you enjoyed that recipe – I never even got to make it, lol! Your table and crafts are so beautiful – wish-oh-wish I could have shared this day with you! 🙂
The bread, tea, book and craft make for a lovely day.
The bread looks delicious.
Dawn you must come visit. Anytime. But only if you bring those wonderful boys!
Theresa thank you it was a lovely recipe.
Margaret, kisses delivered!
Oh, I love how the pages turned out, so pretty!! And what a cutie, sitting up and all!! Happy Feast! Blessings!
Oh, Mary Ellen, I remember you being one of my biggest supporters, enthusiast, and prayer warriors as I was putting Catholic Mosaic together.
It’s so great to see the joy with which you’ve embraced it since it’s infant stages.
This is lovely. The tea and the baby. 🙂 Thanks for sharing.
Bonny Bridget indeed! What a sweetie!