Well, I have been away a while. It’s been busy around here lately, like most people, we have the June nuttiness. Graduations, Confirmations, a sprinkling of birthdays, recitals and tournaments put it all together and you’ve got yourself some busy people.
These poor unsocialized homeschooled children have spent the last two weeks being driven from party to party to party having the time of their young lives. It’s all been good.
When I returned from the IHM Conference I fully intended to blog fully about the whole thing. Well then Kelli started a fever, then Ryan. Erin and Kevin just coughed non-stop for a few days and Sean cut three teeth in two days. You can see how the blogging has been on the back burner.
I did want to mention that if you get a chance to purchase some of the tapes of the conference I would highly recommend it. Even if you are not a homeschooler. The theme of the conference was parental authority and discipline and each talk touched upon the theme within the context of that topic. It was all very valuable. Dr. Ray Guarendi in particular was worth the trip alone. In his fun and easy-going way he drives home the point that parents are given their authority by God. To disobey mom and dad is to disobey God.
I love that!
I highly recommend his books and any tapes/CDs you can get your hands on.
I also highly, highly, highly recommend Ginny Sueffert. A homeschooling mother of twelve knows what she is talking about. It was very funny because her approach with her children seems to have been on the strict side. While she was speaking I saw a lot of myself in her approach and I was beginning to feel that I was not, perhaps, the meanest mother ever. As this thought was floating through my head BFITW leans over and says,"she’s you in a few years." There is a reason we are friends. Always thinking the same thought. It was nice to hear that being on the stricter side does not necessarily qualify you for the Mean Old Mom Award. Mrs. Sueffert’s point was that since she was so quick to discipline she could pile twelve kids in the car and take them anywhere and they knew how to behave. I was able to speak with her for quite a while after her presentation and I have to say ~ she is quite a lady! A lot of fun and full of really good advice.
On that note I did have a nice experience tonight. Mean Old Mom decided to treat the kids to dinner at Applebees since Dad was working late and would be eating out. The hostess looked like she wanted to throttle me when I walked in with seven kids, two of them infants. They gave us a table in the back corner (you know ~ away from the people). Well my children gave their orders politely, said thank you when their food was brought and generally behaved in a manner to make this mom proud of them. I occasionally get a sign that I am doing something right.
I am working on some posts. I have an appointment tonight with Ryan’s special ed consultant to help me plan his school year so I am working on a post about schooling your special needs child. This may end up being a series of posts.
I am also putting together a state study on Maine. I was thinking of notebooking it but now i am leaning towards a lapbook only so the little ones can participate more fully. This is in anticipation of our vacation to Maine where we rent a little cabin in the woods.
So off I go to work on some projects.
Have a blessed evening.
I LOVED Ginny Seuffert as well! She’s a hoot, and really knows her (homeschooling) stuff.
The Maine project sounds delightful. We’re working on Minnesota lap books around here; the first in our states studies and I thought that state would be appropriate.
Was missing you, Mary Ellen, and thought I’d stop by to say “Hi”.
I was so thrilled to have met you. I’m looking forward to seeing you again.
Great to get caught up, Mary Ellen! You are missed!