Created by Xavier on
You’re probably from somewhere near New York City, possibly north Jersey, or Connecticut or Rhode Island. If you are from New York City you may be one of the types who people never believe when you say you’re from New York.
If you are not from here, you are probably one of the following:
(a) A Philadelphian who can’t stand the way other Philadelphians say "on";
(b) A Yat from New Orleans; or
(c) Someone from England, Australia, or New Zealand, in which case why are you doing this quiz in the first place?
This amuses me more than I can say. When I was in Manassas at the Real Learning Conference it was brought to my attention, in the nicest possible way, during the course of my moderating duties, that I have an accent. A New York acccent. Horrors! How could anyone possibly mistake these dulcet tones for a New York twange. A harsh sound at best.
Sigh. It appears those charming, lilting southern belles were correct. That is if this quiz is to be believed. How much science so you think went into these questions?
I’m fooling myself aren’t I?
Off to look into elocution lessons.
Have a twange-free, lilting kind of day.
Well… my accent must have lost a bit of its twang since I moved down here — because I’m just classified as a Northerner. Somehow my cAWffee turned into cOffee over the last 15 years. This was fun.
I’m Relieved I’m Still Southern
What American accent do you have? Created by Xavier on Southern. Love it or hate it, your accent says you’re probably from somewhere south of the Ohio River.If you’re not from the South, you probably were overanalyzing the questions. …
When I first moved to southwest Ohio from “upstate” NY (2 hours north of NYC) 14 years ago, boy, did I get ribbed for saying CAWffee! I still sort of say it that way…I haven’t totally LAWst my NY accent. I just can’t bring myself to say cAHffee. LOL! And in no way will “pin” and “pen” ever, ever sound alike coming out of my mouth!