Anyone who reads this blog realizes how much I admire Dawn. Getting to meet her in August was a great thrill and I only regret not having had a lot of time to chit chat with her in Virginia.
That being said she and I differ on one really important point. Sports. Poor dear Dawn is confirmed, died-in-the-wool Red Sox fan while I am just as passionately devoted to the, really quite superior in spite of that silly aberration in October, New York Yankees.
When the Yankees were so tragically trounced in October I couldn’t even blog it, that’s how painful it was to think about.
However the incomparable New York Giants have given me the opportunity to reclaim my bragging rights. And Dawn, being the good sport and fun gal she is, has decided to join me in a fun Superbowl wager.
These, shall we say, unattractive, slipper socks bearing the New York Giants emblem are wisking their way to Dawn’s house (sorry honey, they were all out of the cute white ones).
An equally unattractive Patriots pair on are their way to me. In the unlikely event that the Pats win I will be photographed wearing the Pats socks going about my day and post the pictures here. In the likely event the Giants win Dawn will wear her Giants socks and do the same.
So let us know who you are rooting for and how you are spending Superbowl Sunday. Dawn and I would both love to hear from you.
I know it’s pretty mild as wagers go but it is done in the spirit of good sportsmanship and fun. And really isn’t that what sports are supposed to be about?
Thanks to my dear friend Dawn for agreeing to play along.
Have a wonderful evening.
Ha! I love it! Can’t wait to see those socks on your feet hon!
Of course you know we’re Patriots fans here but unfortunately dh and I will be spending Superbowl Sunday in the air – flying back from his mother’s memorial service.
I love it too! And personally I’m not a fan of EITHER team, so I could care less who wins, but I’m rooting for both of you anyways, does that count??? I’ll b at a 50% off Knitting store sale on the big day, are you jealous?? Love it!
Giants! Of course.
I’m in dear friend, and may the best “socks” win!

It will be a fun game whatever happens!
Well…let me just say that Dawn is my virtual mentor and role model and winning the SuperBowl would be a great end to a great season for the Pats. BUT that little Eli Manning is so darn cute and the Giants played such an awesome game against the Pats in the last match-up when everyone said they should be sitting out their starters — I’d love to see them pull out all the stops again!
I am so looking forward to seeing Dawn in those socks.
I will be pleased to see dawn in those socks, simply because I think Tom Brady could use a stiff swig of humility!
Go Giants!
I’m actually from Packerland, home of the beloved Cheeseheads, who are still in mourning. However, because we are also fans of the Manning brothers, “GO GIANTS”!
I’m actually from Packerland, home of the beloved Cheeseheads, who are still in mourning. However, because we are also fans of the Manning brothers, “GO GIANTS”!
As a NY JETS fan, I must remain loyal to my team and continue to despise the Pats into the Superbowl! So, I will be rooting, along with my whole extended family, for the Giants. My Dad and uncle are die-hard Giants fans. There is a seat on the 40-yard-line in Giants Stadium that has been in our family since the founding of the Giants in the old Polo Grounds. So, Go GIANTS!!
LOL!! As you know, I’m rooting for the Pats. You two are a hoot!
I am a new reader to Dawn’s blog and a fan of hers, but I have to say GO GIANTS! Rooting for them and you on this one.
I don’t care who wins, I am looking forward to seeing either one of you in the socks!Great bet, ladies!
Sorry Dawn,
But being from south Louisiana and a Saints fan and a Manning Clan Fan……..I must pull for the Giants!! As we say here in Cajun Country…….GEAUX GIANTS!
I am originally from New Orleans and the Mannings are our royal family. I’ve got to giving Giant shout-outs for Eli. I thought I wanted to be just like Dawn, but in this case…
Go Giants!!!
As a die hard Colts fan, and therefore loyal to any Manning, I’m rooting for the Giants (and also strongly FOR anyone who opposes the Patriots), so I can’t wait for this! (And Dawn, I greatly admire you too, and see this Patriots thing as a minor flaw. ;))
I Love It. Go Giants! I have a similar bet with my brother in law. I come from a big University of Alabama Football family, and my brother in law is working on his masters at our arch rivals, Auburn. We bet on the Iron Bowl every year now. As far as pro ball goes, I am a Saints fan, and I am ready to see the Pats get mocked down a few notches.
I am a friend of Dawn, but alas NOT a Pats fan, so I think this wager is fun!! (Although how anyone can be a Yankees fan, well I just don’t know.)
Being from Indianapolis I must root for the Giants!!
That is just too funny!!!
Since the Packers are out (boo hoo) I am SO rooting for your Giants, Mary Ellen! Boston cannot be allowed both a football and baseball championship in the same year (I’m still crying for my Rockies!). Hope to see Dawn in those socks.
Big time Packer fans here, so we are rooting for the Giants to knock the socks off the Pats!! Oh, and, YAY Red Sox!!!!!
Being that no team I *really* like is in contention, I have to say that I would really rather see the Giants defeat the Pats then for the Pats to go undefeated.
Go Giants! have fun!
Go Giants!
(umn – it wasn’t a silly aberration in October – on that point, you are mistaken)
Oh no. I had told Dawn I would root for Pats as T. Brady is a grad of dh and my college. Now I find out a Giant, Geoff Pope, graduated from 17yods’s high school. (As close as we can get to football royalty here in Detroit Lion territory- although they did do better this year, really! ;o).) Now I guess I have to say I am now neutral, so that eliminates my Pat’s vote. :o/
Looking forward to the annual Super Bowl game which we always spend with #3ds’s (Pete) Godparents. Oh, one last note as I was dreaming of the spread we put out- I just began “the Firm” tape last night. Made it through 17 minutes before I had to stop. Been years since I have done an aerobic tape. Now I see I need them!
God Bless!
You too are hysterical!!! My husband and the kids were rooting for the Patriots, while I was rooting for the Giants all by my self.