We’ve had an incredibly busy few days here at the Bonny Blue House. Thank you so smuch to all of you who emailed me and wished me a Happy New Year. It was such a fun time here, we hosted a New Year’s gathering with a few close friends. It was rather small this year, a few families couldn’t make it, and a few of the older children made their own plans. Only sixteen children. From three families. Very tiny for a Bonny Blue House gathering.
Of course I spent more time eating and making merry than taking pictures. Suffice to say a good time was had by all and I won’t need to cook again for several days, we can exist quite happily on leftovers. We had a chocolate fountain, the children were wild for this, and many libations. I made chocolate martinis for the ladies (yum!) and we all rang in the new year with champagne (ginger ale for the under 21 set), noise makers and sparklers.
These pictures are blurry die to a previously undetected smudge on the camera lense. I think the effect is kinds cool!
We had a fire going in the outdoor fireplace. It was unseasonably warm so the kids played outdoors most of the evening.
Sparklers at MIDNIGHT!
This looks like something dangerous was happening but it was really quite safe and fun.
The first concert of the year.
Wonderboy kept an eye on things.
Wow, it looks like you all had a splendid time!! Happy New Year!