Today was the first Cottage outing of the autumn season. Alice hosted our homeschool group for Fatima Club. Since it was the Feast of our beloved St. Therese she focused on that for her lesson and craft.
All in all it was a very "Haystack" kind of day.
Bonny Blue and Cottage tots play chalk.
Cottage kid and her buggy friend.
Not my idea of a pet but to each her own.
Radiantly expecting Alice shines up St. Therese to preside over the festivities of her day.
Spoon Saints and snacks. What could be better?
These girls often attend Cottage days. They are quite ladylike.
Secrets shared under the shady trees.
A loving friendship.
Oh how I wish we could have been there with all you bonny ladies and gents! What a glorious day, much love,
Oh! So you live in NY! I’m from Hyde Park a good 2.5 hours away but I love it….and miss it! Right now we’re in NC, I must say it’s beautiful here too, but most of my family and friends are still in NY.