I have been reading and listening and watching those who claim to be practicing, devout Catholics make their case for voting for Obama. I have to say that one and, all they are without a doubt, full of crap.
They need to put down the Kool-Aid and high tail it to confession because they are leading people into sin and it’s going to come back to bite them in the butt at some point.
I have been reading some of the most twisted, delusional, illogical thinking that these "scholars" use to justify their support of a candidate whose platform contains the most abhorrent anti-life policies that can possibly be dreamed up by the most die-hard abortion advocates. I would have a great deal more respect for Kmiec and Kaveny if they just admitted that they knew it was wrong to endorse a pro-abortion candidate but were doing it anyway. In the case of pro-abortion politicians, such as Biden, Pelosi, Kennedy and others why not just come out and say, "I know it’s wrong but it’s how I’m going to get elected so I’m going to make this my platform anyway." We then could at least call them honest. Honest in a morally corrupt and power hungry way but at least they would be acknowledging what we know they know.
They are wrong about abortion. They are wrong to fund, promote, vote for, give money to and in any way make accessible abortion to anybody. It’s a sin. Always.
I realize there are other vitally important issues and would that abortion were illegal so we all be free to focus on them full time and solve our problems. The fact is that a nation that destroys those who are most vulnerable, and has actual profitable businesses to do so, is going to stay troubled.
This is the kind of Kool-Aid that Kmiec and Kaveny are slugging down;
"In the closing weeks of this election, abortion is among the crucial
issues for Catholic voters, but promoting a culture of life is
necessarily interconnected with a family wage, universal health care
and, yes, better parenting and education of our youth. This greater
appreciation for the totality of Catholic teaching is at the very heart
of the Obama campaign; it is scarcely a McCain footnote." Newsweek October 17, 2008
Ok, there are so many things wrong with this statement it’s hard to believe these people who are well educated and, in theory, very intelligent, wrote it. There is nothing Catholic at the heart of the Obama campaign. Nothing. Nada. If you want to protect your family wage, then voting for the guy who actively endorses "spreading the wealth around" (this is called Income Redistribution) is not going to accomplish anything. It means that those people who work very hard and achieve some financial comfort and stability should give it up to help those who don’t work at all. Now don’t go all social justice on me, we need to take care of those who can’t care for themselves and we need to give a leg up to those who fall on hard times. There are times in many people’s life when they need assistance to get through a rough patch. I am happy to help. Delighted, take my money and help. Really. However Income redistribution ends up encouraging people to not work and not contribute and leaves the burden of financial gain to a very small segment of society. It is also known as Socialism. Or thievery. Pretty much you are taking a lot of my money and giving it away without my consent and leaving me without a lot to feed and clothe my own family. Remember the USSR? How happy those folks were waiting on bread lines and living 18 to an apartment? Yeah, that’s what we’re talking about.
Not so Catholic and not so pro-life.
If this economy concerns you, and heavens it should, you can reach out and thank the Democrats who have consistently over the last fifteen years blocked every attempt to stem the tide of disaster. I’ve written about it before, no need to go there again.
How about that universal healthcare? Healthcare in this country is a giant mess. I agree. Mostly caused by the legal profession. People should have reliable, accessible healthcare. Socializing medicine won’t do that at all. Ask anyone in a socialized medicine society who has been on a waiting list for surgery or a pair of eyeglasses for three years. Obama wants to socialize your medical care. This would also result in your tax dollars paying for all those abortions every year. Socialized medicine would kill research and development by drug companies since they would not be paid enough to engage in the kind of research that has made this country a leader in fighting disease since time out of mind.
Not very Catholic.
It also takes away my ability to CHOSE my doctor (I know these people are big on choice). Encouraging competition between insurance carriers and making insurance a people thing rather than a job thing, that is to say you can keep your coverage when you change jobs, is a better idea. Capitalism. The imperfect, flawed, aggravating system that works better than all the others.
How about these great scholars and their belief that Obama is concerned with education and better parenting? Then why is he totally against school vouchers? He doesn’t want children in urban, low scoring school districts to be able to use their parent’s hard earned school tax money to be able to attend a better school? Why not? (pssst, the answer is because the teacher’s unions dump buckets of money into his campaign and they hate vouchers. If urban parents got their hands on vouchers urban public schools would be empty). Seems he’s all about choice when it comes to killing babies but not when it comes to picking a school for the kids who are here.
Not too Catholic.
How about better parenting? Can you think of a worse parenting decision than to kill your unborn child? He’s against homeschooling too. So he is in favor of you being a better parent, just don’t try to make any big decisions about where and how they are educated. He’s going to do that for you. With a lot of your money.
Not Catholic at all.
They don’t bring it up there but I know the war is a big deal for some Catholics who use it to justify voting for the abortion worshipping candidate. The war has been mismanaged and I realize there has been a lot of pain caused to a lot of families because of it, but, those of us living/working in and around New York City are extremely grateful that no planes have recently fallen out of the sky on us or our big buildings. I’m sure those in Washington D.C. and other major American cities feel the same. The fact is we are safer leaving a Bush administration than we were leaving a Clinton one. In fact one could make a REALLY convincing argument that wishy-washy foreign policy of a liberal Democrat led to the situation whereby people could work for years toward the goal of flying planes into buildings. Work at it right here in the US of A. Under our very noses. I am profoundly grateful to those who serve in the military and praying for the souls of those who have died for our freedom from terrorism and for the freedom of the Iraqi people is a big deal in the Bonny Blue House.
The war is not popular and it may not have been necessary but it is not intrinsically evil. Abortion is always intrinsically evil. There can be just wars, there are no just abortions. It’s really that simple. And that’s where the Kool-Aid drinkers get it wrong. Life needs defense. Always. From the very beginning to the natural end we need to be a people who protect life. Even when it is hard. Even when it costs us big.
I would hate to be someday standing before God and having to explain to him that I was complicit in abortion because I helped someone get elected who made no secret of his commitment to the culture of death. I would hate to have God ask me "Why did you do that?" John McCain is not the perfect pro-life candidate, I know that, but better him than the perfect pro-abortion one.
Bravo, Mary Ellen!
Well said – I’m very disheartened that Catholics think it okay to vote for Obama!
I’m glad you laid it out so well!
If I had 100 cute clapping emoticons, I’d put them here. So very well said, Mary Ellen. God bless you!!
Goodness! This is as good as anything Ann Coulter has ever written, your brilliant!
If I had 100 cute clapping emoticons, I’d put them here. So very well said, Mary Ellen. God bless you!!
Thank you for saying what has needed to be said, Mary Ellen. A vote for Obama is a vote for death, and we can’t pretend otherwise.
Thank you for saying what has needed to be said, Mary Ellen. A vote for Obama is a vote for death, and we can’t pretend otherwise.
Thank you for saying what has needed to be said, Mary Ellen. A vote for Obama is a vote for death, and we can’t pretend otherwise.
Thank you for saying what has needed to be said, Mary Ellen. A vote for Obama is a vote for death. He himself has made that clear.
Right there with you Mary Ellen.
I’m really praying hard are for the Catholics who have been tricked into thinking Obama is really the compassionate vote. I pray God that their eyes are opened to the truth…
Well said Mary Ellen!
don’t give up speaking the truth in love!!It is not too late yet! thanks for the excellent post.
we had noticed a few cars in our Church parking lot with Obama stickers, two families have now removed them and have changed their minds!!
Our priest made the point that you can’t have social justice if you don’t start with life. This is a brave post Mary Ellen. I salute you. I waver on parties because I am, as is Pope Benedict, against the war but when it comes down to it, I have to vote for the pro-life candidate. It is not only a large part of our faith but the pro-choice argument is hugely, scientifically flawed and the fact that no one will admit as much drives.me.nuts.
Oooh, and I so with what you wrote about healthcare too. I don’t think Obama’s plan will help my family one bit.
So, so true. Thank you for sharing this. I will share it with my misguided Catholic friends who are convinced that Obama is a fine choice. ๐
Woo hoo! Well done, Mary Ellen.
Thanks Mary Ellen, very well said ๐
Go GIT ‘EM, Mary Ellen! Awesomeness, girl!
Just wanted to comment on the idea of “free health care for all”.
We’re military and have been living with “free” health care for over sixteen years. When we lived on the largest military installation in the free world, my children went ONE YEAR without access to health care; each time I tried to take them to the doctor, all appointments were already booked (2-10 minutes after the appointment lines opened) and the civilian docs who agreed to accept military were always booked as well. There weren’t enough providers to meet the demand in the small city of 150,000 that we lived in.
As for the way I’ve seen the “free” health care function for sixteen years:
– women are put on the pill for any whiff of “female issues”, or they give you a hysterectomy if you’re tired of dealing. Forget the cause of the problem.
– Prozac is handed out like candy.
– 800mg Motrin horse-chokers are their pat answer for whatever ails you.
– soldiers are “priority” patients and everyone else is seen after they have been cared for; who will be the priority population in free health care? The poor, or the rich and powerful?
That’s just my most recent example–in a dwindling military population, mind you. Just imagine the entire country on “free health care”.
You get what you pay for.
AMEN!!!! It’s nice to hear the truth.
BRAVO MY FRIEND!!! Wow, you even make politics interesting for the politically challenged ๐
Great Post! I intend to steal your line and use it as my tag line: “There can be just wars, there are no just abortions–Mary Ellen” Should I put in your blog?(I’m not sure how to do that)
I visit your blog regularly Mary Ellen, but have never commented before. I want to thank you for writing about this. It is so important right now and so many blogs are silent. Maybe you have changed some minds. Thank you for your insight and your courage!
AMEN!!!!! Thank you for writing this.
This post rocks!
Wow! Wow! And did I say WOW? You have said it all and said it so well, I’m sitting here, thumping my fist on the desk and cheering you after every paragraph! So glad to have found this (via Eileen-on Him)~ wish the misled Catholics in question could find it ~ and have the wisdom to open their hearts and heads to the common sense Catholicism of it. Really great post!
We must also remeber our opinion is not God’s
๐ it is only the churches responsibility to remind us it is a sin not to vote . Not who to vote for ๐
I feel for the struggle you all are having but really relieved as well I do not have to tell anyone my political choice ๐ in the end it is between us and Him
everyone needs to go to confession
by the way ๐
I stop by once in a while because I read your stuff on Catholic Exchange, and found you post lots of excellent Catholic homeschooling tidbits in your blog. I have to comment now, though, because you hit every nail on the head regarding the Democratic “Catholic” arguments. Bless you for bravely spelling it all out.
I do like Obama’s grace, intelligence and charisma. A black president would also be a boon for our country. But he is leading what is basically some of the greatest forces working for evil in our times. I agree, McCain is not perfect – but he is by far the lesser evil here.
At any rate: let us all pray…
The last paragraph is the main force behind what makes me support Mr. McCain.
Thank you for your comment this morning, Mary Ellen. This post of yours was no small inspiration! And in fact, I tried to leave a comment twice yesterday and Typepad wouldn’t let me. Conspiracy! ๐
Well, I loved your New Yorker take on this and yes, it very much needed to be said.
Have a beautiful, prayer-filled weekend!
This is the first time that I have read you. You are exactly the kind of person we need running for office. Now, it looks like you probably have your hands full, but so well said. We need some strong Republican candidates that can talk tough and stop being so nice. Get the message out there and if it means stepping or stomping on toes, so be it. We need candidates with guts and courage. Maybe one of your children or one of mine will be God lead in that direction. Thank you for this snap of fresh air.
Great Post Mary Elleen! I feel it is plain and simple if you vote for Obama you are NOT a Catholic!
You’re right, you’re right, you’re so very very right!
YOU go girl! You said it best!
“They need to put down the Kool-Aid and high tail it to confession ”
we all do lol
Awsome post! Very well said!
Yay! ๐
This is my first time to your blog, but you are my new best friend. Awesome post. ๐
Great work, Mary Ellen. Unfortunately, it is not well publicized that billionaire George Soros, not even a US citizen, has funded and established several organizations involving Catholics for Obama. I am afraid to suggest that the financial corruption may extend to members of the Church hierarchy, but alas, if any close investigation were to take place, it might be true.
AMEN! Watching all this from Europe, and voted (absentee) for McCain. NOT the perfect choice but one that doesn’t call a “unplanned” baby a punishment.
God Bless you!