I have to confess that this birthday started out a little gloomy for me. It was drizzly, I miss my husband and the election results had me down in the dumps. Then my beautiful children presented me with their gift. A Canon Power Shot SX10IS. Oh the joy!
I’ve been complaining concerned about my camera for a while now as it has periodic fits. Now I have this new fancy machine that even I can’t screw up.
To make the day even brighter I was allowed to escape, by myself, for an hour to downtown Savannah to stroll. By myself. Alone. Yipppeee.
Here’s how it went.
First stop The Paris Market which I have been wanting to visit since I got here. It’s just chock full of deliousness. Not a place to bring small children but a lovely place to wander.
They are already decked out for Christmas. Too soon, but very pretty.
Bags of vintage jewelry for $5. I was so tempted and now for the life of me I can’t figure out why I didn’t pick one up.
A display of antigue Infant of Prague and saint statues. Surrounded by soap. Makes no sense.
I fell in love with this chair. I fell out of love with it’s price tag.
Cool coffee table and loved the couch. Could live without the giant plastic pillows though.
I covet this unit.
There are no orange or black sticky, gooey candies here. It’s all just pretty and slightly sophisticated.
I don’t know if this was a Christmas tree or just how they display these woodsy little ornaments but it is very homey and pretty.
Hey, I was in Savannah. Y’all.
Paula’s tree was much more my style.
Here she is. I felt just too goofy asking someone to take my picture with her. I knew Katie and Erin would love it, they are big fans, but I just could not bring myself to do it. I also knew that Chris would never let me live it down.
I did do a little Christmas shopping for the fans in my life just so you don’t think I’m too terrible a mommy.
Back in the car for a drive around some of the squares. I love the way the trees meet over the streets and the Spanish moss hangs down. Very southern.
Does anyone know what that sign means? We ignore them back home in NY.
A Savannah Square .
Pretty gazebo hidden in the middle of Wright Square.
And that was it. I was away for a little over an hour and I enjoyed myself immensely. The city was quiet and so was I. Now I have to get ready for my pizza dinner and cake. Yum.
Love it. I’ve told you that before but I just loved Savannah. Didn’t get to the Paris Market. Maybe on our next trip! (BTW: Paula was not in her store the day we were there, but her sons were and I DID have my picture taken with them!)
Happy Birthday to you! I wish I were you today.
I am sooooo glad you resisted the photo op w/Paula. You are so right; now I have to find something else to not let you live down!
Happy Birthday!
It’s my birthday too. 🙂 I am a fellow Catholic homeschooling mama, new reader of yours. A friend sent me your link after Danielle Bean linked to your election post. Happy birthday and God bless.
Happy Birthday! It does sound fabulous.
Glad you had a wonderful day. You certainly deserve it. But I do have to point out that of course the soap and saints are displayed together…because they are squeaky clean. Hmm, and on that note…it seems like it’s time for me to go to bed. I’m getting punchy.
Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday to you, Mary Ellen! I’m so glad you had a great day. 🙂
Happy belated birthday, Sweetie! Enjoy that awesome new camera taking pictures of your even MORE awesome family.
Happy Birthday!!
Enjoy the camera. Pictures are great, Savannah is so pretty.
Oh, my friend! What a wonderful birthday walk, indeed.
And out here in the middle of a desert, can I tell you what comfort food for the soul your post is? I fell in love with the Deep South years ago when we were stationed in Georgia and I ache for it to this day. The lush landscapes, architecture infused with character and elegance, and sweet tea.
Your camera was a wonderful gift, that has blessed all of us. Give the kiddles a thank you hug from me, too. : )
Happy Birthday! I love Savannah! I wish I could have been there with you!!
Happy Belated Birthday, dear.
What loveliness. I long to visit Savannah one day.
This is so very belated, but happy birthday to a very sweet lady!! Many happy returns :)))
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