This is my newest obsession. Giddy with success over my quilt squares I started making felt food for the twins.
We bought them this beautiful little kitchen set for Christmas from Nova Naturals. I wanted something that would last and be pretty enough to live in the dining room or living room. I am totally over plastic toys.
It lives in my dining room and blends nicely. Don't look at the garbage piled in the background. It was snowing and I was waiting until there was a lull until I sent Ryan out with it.
Reality blogging…
Back to the felt food.
I first saw this on Jess's blog Star Cottage. Jess has lots of nice craft ideas on her blog. I was enchanted and wanted to make some but it has taken me a while to get my act together. The snow day gave me the opportunity. The kids did school but I played hookey from all responsibility and made felt food all afternoon.
I made fried eggs, a banana, raviolis, orange slices, ice cream pops, and pancakes. I'm going to work on some veggies next. It was such fun.
Now for a gratuitous baby picture to reward you for looking at my felt food.
Pretty darn cute, isn't he?
What a sweet angel!
Awesome, I love the food, and you can’t put that ugly plastic food in that beautiful wooden kitchen anyway! 🙂
He is truly adorable!
Love the felt food!
Glad to see you are back blogging, I missed hearing about your days!
Precious baby, love his hair!
Your felt food is adorable! I bet it will get lots of play time. It is fun to make, huh?
He IS cute! Wonder what he’s thinking about? Hmmm…maybe all the beautiful felt food he’ll get to play with when he’s just a tiny bit older…
Seriously, what a wonderful collection! Wish I was that talented!