Outside my window…Very gray and drizzly. Again. The temperature is
freakishly mild though.
I am thinking. . . about cleaning and organizing. We spent a large part
of the weekend rearranging, sadly, to accommodate our new normal. It’s got me
in a cleaning mode, I’ve reorganized my office closet and am looking forward to
ending school on Wednesday and tackling the learning room.
that strange? Christmas is coming but all I want to do is clean.
I am thankful for. . . the generosity of all of the wonderful moms
who seem to want to comfort and care for me. For the generous man who came and
lit the outside of our home to cheer up the children. Seriously, a professional
lighting job that my children were just over the moon about. What a thoughtful
From the schoolroom. . . Mostly just crafting, reading, some math and
waiting for the joy. We’ve been doing a lot of water coloring and, believe it
or not, nature sketching. On days it’s
too rainy to go out we use some great books to use copywork and sketch from.
From the kitchen. . . Something chicken. Since we took delivery on
our grass fed Amish cow we are a little “beefed out” so I thawed some chicken breasts. What will be
done to them I have no idea.
been baking a lot but also eating them. I can’t keep cookies in this house.
I am wearing. . . Grey pants. white blouse, lavender Irish cardigan sweater.
Also pink fuzzy socks and pink fuzzy slippers. I will change those when I go
I am going. . . Dropping the three girls
and a sweet friend to Irish step dance.
From there all four girls go to play practice. More about the play to come.
On the nightstand. . . Last Minute Patchwork Quilted Gifts but Joelle
Hoverson. Lotta Jansdotters Simple Sewing for Baby
(these are all on loan from the library). Also Make Your Place, affordable, sustainable
nesting skills ( I own) and Living Simply Children by Marie Sherlock
(also on loan from the library).
I am hoping. . . That the house stays clean for an hour or so.
I am hearing. . . Various children’s voices. They are
I am listening… to L'Angelus
O Night Divine Elizabeth
was right, it’s lovely. Thank you for sharing!
Around the house. . . It’s clean and tidy (I pay someone, don’t be
impressed) and .
One of my favorite things. . . Twins. Three year old
twins who have big eyed wonder at the sights and sounds of the season. Twins
who are so excited about everything.
A few plans for the rest of the week. . . Daddy is, for the first time ever, taking a
week at Christmas beginning Thursday. We can’t wait. We will go get a tree on Friday and decorate.
practice every night this week and then the big night is Saturday.
Here is picture thought I am sharing. .
Last Friday. A typical Friday at the Bonny Blue House.
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