Just to shake things up once a week or so I take the show on the road and we spend a few hours at our library. A friend of mine, who is one of the best mothers I know, watches the twins for a few hours twice a week in order that I might get some quite time with the other children, you know, and actually accomplish something. This was initially my husbands request. He thought that I would feel less overwhelmed if the twins (who bring their own brand of noisy craziness to our homeschool) could be gainfully occupied elsewhere once in a while giving me some space to quietly pursue drilling some knowledge into the older children. In a sweet and serene CM way of course. This has a lot to do with the sudden outbursts of grief I experience and a general feeling of, well I don't exactly know but feeling not myself. So at my husband's urging and with the cooperation of my dear friend (honestly – no one is better blessed in friendship than I am) the twins go to her house for a "playdate" and we have some peace here. I'm not sure I will take advantage of this for a long time but for right now it is helping.
On the second of those days we pack up some books and head to the library. This has been wonderful for my library fine dilemma of years past. Like the last twenty years past. A regular library day has eliminated my need to write checks to pay my fines. The library recently purchased a lot across the street and paved it for a parking lot, Dave is pretty sure we paid for it in fines. He's so funny.
So we do a little school, make friends with the librarians (useful people) and soak in the books. We take out science DVDs, we are big Bill Nye fans, and we explore all of the wonderful things the library has to offer. We borrow magazines, reference materials, and lots of fun living books for math and history. This all serves to fill out as many of our studies.
Pondering math.
Camera shy.
This did not end well.
Then we came home, the twins were delivered with many tales of their adventures. A cozy afternoon fire and some planning time for mama made for a peaceful afternoon.
For those who asked, our house lit up. Simple and pretty. It's very much my style.
Tomorrow begins our Christmas break so I have some happy campers here. Wait until they discover it begins with a dental appointment for a bunch of them. 🙁
Mary Ellen,
Always thinking and praying for you and your family. I particularly remembered you at Mass today.
You can assure Dave that part of that parking lot at the library definitely belongs to my sister. She gets letters from the library looking for her overdue books. 🙂
I det ytre miljø, et lett, pustende jakke for ly din med AF EPIC bukser og kortermet logo T-skjorte, slik at du blir kvitt den konvensjonelle modeller utendørs utstyr i Valentinsdag, med den mest elegante kjolen viste frem egen, TA eskorte i utendørs verden.