Since I recently posted a list of little things that I love I thought it would be amusing to post a list of things I dislike. Hate being too strong a word.
Here goes…
Little Things I Dislike (Intensely)
- Fake nails
- Loud noise
- Whining
- Tattoos on women
- Earrings on men
- itchy sweaters
- Amaretto
- sugar in coffee
- measuring anything
- bugs
- salesclerks on cell phones
- The New York Times
- Planned Parenthood
- curry
- reality tv (with the exception of cooking shows:))
- junk mail
- people/organizations that send me junk mail
- the telephone pole in front of my house (so ugly)
- cleaning the sink trap (ick)
- mini skirts on women over 35 (who are you kidding?)
- clutter
- my kitchen countertops (serious 80's formica)
- people who think the earth is their mother
- smoking
- people who obey speed limits when I am in a hurry
- liberal ideology
- socialism
- any healthcare legislation that is likely to come out of this administration
- feminist ideology
- commercials for pharmaceuticals
- root canal
And really that's all I can think of at this time.
Have a blessed evening.
Great list!!! Thanks for the smile…
I think that your list is awesome! I don’t mind bugs (but REALLY dislike snakes). Everything else could be on my list too!
Oh…we dislike lots of the same stuff…except measuring…I like measuring 🙂 Stay warm!
Ooh, I hate many of those same things! Especially #8, 11, 13.
I thoroughly enjoyed my root canal, though. Didn’t feel a thing, got to rest with my feet up for a couple of hours, and it took care of the excruciating pain in my mouth. Highly recommend, LOL!
Good list! My dh says “mega dittos from Westfield, Massachusetts.”
I just found your blog. This is a wonderful list and to it may I add.
1. People who dress disrespectfully for Mass
2. The liberal media.
Thanks for the great list…going to send your link to my friends.
I was going to make you curry chicken as a special treat, I guess I’ll have to make you something yummy like liver now
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