You sticking with me or are you bored senseless?
Lunch will work similarly to breakfast. Again, here is the list of menu items that I have prepared and will work well for my family.
The lunch items are on the second page.This is one area that I have been working on already based upon a recent thread on my favorite Yahoo Group. Making preparations for luncheon items has worked out fairly well. I take about 10 boneless chicken breasts and either grill or roast them. To make this even easier I have been known to use a foil pan and just throw it out when the chicken is done. When the chicken is cooled I just give it a rough chop and portion it out into quart sized zipper locked bags. I then use the chicken in the following ways:
Make a batch of hummus. For this I am going to link you to Alice's recipe
since the whole hummus/pita/veggie lunch was an idea I took from her. I was at her home one day at lunch time and I watched her create this simple but filling and kid friendly lunch. It was a Friday in Lent and so it was very easy for her.
For the tacos I simply brown about 2 lbs of ground beef combined with 1 lb of ground turkey. The turkey lightens it up a bit, ground turkey on it's own would be very dry. I use my own mix of spices. The packaged taco seasoning mixes are very high in salt and MSG, I'd rather skip that.Just add the mix recipe below and about 3/4 cup of water to the browned meat and cook until the water is absorbed. Stir frequently.
That's my recipe. I've been know to do the math and make a pint jar full to have in the pantry. It will keep forever. You can also use your cooked chicken with this mix in the same way as you use the beef. Tastes just yummy.
The rest of the items are pretty easy to figure out. My idea is not to have any new and spectacular lunch items but merely to have a bunch of tried and true favorites in my arsenal ready to go so I am not caught with a bunch of hungry kids, no plan and the resulting mess. Somehow no plan always equals a mess.
I hope you find this helpful. I'm planning a post later on, when I'm finished with meals, to address questions and suggestions.
Dinner next, might take a couple of days.
Blessings to your day.
Thank you for that great and so easy taco mix as well as the chicken salad recipe and ideas, awesome 🙂
Thank you for posting a taco seasoning recipe; I had been looking for one! What an unexpectedly answered prayer.
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