Busy, busy.
On Friday, my Katie's birthday, we attended homeschool ice skating. I brought a chocolate mousse cake (her fave) and she was sung to by many of her friends. Then we rushed home so I could get ready for hosting our family rosary night. We had a smallish group, about 50 people (no I'm not kidding, that's a smallish group), and to make my life easier I ordered pizzas. Each family contributed. I also baked another cake and Katie was sung to by her local friends that she has known since she was a wee toddler. She had a very nice evening and all of the young people prayed for her at prayer time.
Saturday, after she took two dance classes and helped teach another Kate rushed home to help me cook and clean and get ready for Teen Night. Teen Night is a once a month gathering of the 13 and over crowd in our homeschool group. Sometimes it's a movie or bowling and sometimes it's just gathering at someone's home to hang out.
So about 40 poor unsocialized homeschool teens showed up here Saturday to consume what can only be described as an awesome amount of pizza rolls and to dance and chat and go out back and create mayhem with snow.
They were truly not well socialized by today's standards. Each and every one of them entered my home sought me out and said hello. The boys shook hands with Dave and helped take the girl's coats. They cleaned up after themselves. They, each and everyone of them, looked us in the eye and thanked us for having them. Many brought a snack or a drink to share. One young lady brought her iPod and speakers so they could dance. They got a huge kick out of it when two-year old Brendan crashed the party.
Yup, they were weird alright.
Thank God.
It makes us want to move to Long Island! This is great!
It sounds like Katie had a great birthday!
Happy Birthday Katie!
LOL…they sure do look unsocialized.
Because they have an extraordinary history, to achievements beyond time and space style.