Today marks the begining of the autumnal Ember Days in our faith. I wrote a complete explanation of the Ember Days last December at O Night Divine and I invite you to click on the link to check it out. The short story is that four times a year the church provides us three days to offer sacrifices and do penance in order to thank God for the wonders of his creation. It is a time to celebrate the beauty of the world around us and to wonder in the awesome love of God who created this world for our use and enjoyment.
The Catholic Church was the first enviromentally aware organization. :). What they don't do is spiritualize the earth (no, it is not your mother) rather give credit to the Creator. The church has always maintained that we should be good stewards of the earth.
To observe the Ember Days we can call our children's attention to the seasonal changes going on around us; a leaf collection walk, an acorn pile, build a fairy house, a temperature chart… anything like that. My little people made bird feeders from milk jugs to attract the birds who will be wintering over here in the northeast.
This is the simplest of crafts, which you already know since I'm the one doing it . Cut a hole in one of the sides of the jug, smooth out rough edges with an emery boards and then let the children paint and decorate. Fill the hole with bird seed and hang.
However you spend your Ember Days I hope that they are filled with sunshine and joy.
So sorry for your loss. Your prayers must have been answered, as it sounds like your mother’s last moments were very peaceful.
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