I think it's no secret that I love where I live. There are drawbacks to living in a suburd of New York City but, in my mind they are far outweighed by the blessings of this village and this parish.
Lindenhurst, where I live, has made national news because of the severity which we were hit by Hurricane Sandy. Parts of town are no more and many good people lost everything. On this, the feast of Saint Martin, I would ask anyone who feels that to honor this great saint by emulating his charity is appropriate to please donate to Catholic Charities, the Red Cross or to my own parish whose efforts I have written about for Catholic News Service. Checks may be made payable to "OLPH Storm Relief" and mailed to OLPH 210 So. Wellwood Avenue, Lindenhurst, NY 11757. Gift cards that can be used in grocerie stores, discount stores and drug stores are also greatly needed and appreciated.
"This is our home, because this where we are nourished, this is where we find Christ's love and this is where we build on that love," We are much stronger than this terrible flood; we are so much stronger because it is the power of Jesus Christ that draws us together and puts us all on the road to healing."
Bishop Robert Brennan, November 5, 2012.
I will always love Long Island. It is just heartbreaking to see the damage that has been done and that people are suffering so. Our God is so much bigger than this mess.
Looking forward to seeing our family there next weekend.