I woke up to a beautiful fall day. The sun was shining brightly, I was up early and had my prayer time as well as some time for coffee with my dear husband and to read the paper. Still I was experiencing a distinct case of ennui. I just wasn't feeling it today. I lingered over my shower, I took a while cleaning up the kitchen, I puttered around with my email and Facebook and before I knew it, we were late to begin.
I was in no mood. There was no reason for it, I just didn't want to do school. Has that ever happened to you? Well, skipping a day wasn't really an option. We are in week five and I planned very carefully for our upcoming trip in week six. I didn't want to fall behind so early in the year, (falling behind is inevitable at some point but I'm trying to avoid it happening right off the bat). So as I saw it I could plug away, becoming crankier and crankier as the day went on or I could change a few things and inject some life into the situation.
I chose the latter.
I called everyone for prayers and then announced that while I accomplished a few little house chores they would be doing an online art lesson at Creative Bug a great little resource that dear Lissa turned her Facebook friends on to a few weeks ago. Everyone scurried for their art pads and mommy's "special pencils".
When the thirty minute lesson was over I told everyone to pack their backpacks and we would work at the library for the rest of the morning. There was much whooping.
Sometines just changing the landscape and escaping the four walls of your home change change the whole day. Two hours at the library, which is the best type of library for homeschoolers – friendly and helpful, completed most of the schoolwork for the day because the incentive was a few Bill Nye DVDs to be checked out as well as a few episodes of National Geographic and Meerkat Mansion which cracks Brendan up, I love listening to him laugh.
How do you deal with the ennui?
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