My friend Tim Quigley is a talented young filmmaker who is putting together a weekly series called "Ordinary". The blurb… Ordinary is a television show following the life of recently ordained priest, Fr David Anderson, and his parish in the heart of Amish Country in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The series will follow him as he learns the […]
The world is getting to be a very scary place isn't it? I mean it was pretty scary before but lately, between all of the violence, the rising cost of everything, the amount of people looking for work, well it's all very depressing. As a stay at home/work at home mom there is little or […]
Our local historical society hosted a Civil War exhibition this morning. The even took place on a green in the village alongside a tiny train museum. The train museum was, to the delight of my little train maniacs, open and the caboose was also opened to explore. I think we all have to appreciate the people who […]
Triumph of the Cross
The Triumph of the Cross by Agnolo Gaddi (1350-1396) A previous post on the crosses we bear
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