They were less than delighted.
Ember Days
Today marks the begining of the autumnal Ember Days in our faith. I wrote a complete explanation of the Ember Days last December at O Night Divine and I invite you to click on the link to check it out. The short story is that four times a year the church provides us three days to offer […]
Is there anything worse
than being surrounded by older sisters armed with hair dryers and styling mousse? The picture is dark but I'm told it's a "faux-hawk"
Happy New Year!
2010, good times. It was a good year. (click to enlarge)
It's been a while since I posted, about two weeks by my calculations. This was mostly due, in the beginning, to the croup invasion of my home attacking all of my boys. It was fairly ugly here for a few days and Dave and I were mere shells of ourselves. Then I caught whatever it […]