No fail risotto which will make people love you.
Menu Monday: Thanksgiving Week
So it's kind of the cooking Olympics this week. My menu this week is going to be whatever I can fling at them after a long day of cooking for Thursday. Pizza on Wenesday is almost guaranteed. To prepare I spent yesterday following some of Aunty Leila's advice about getting ready. I prepped desserts, I paid my […]
Menu Monday: Cookbooks
Over the last year my dad has been on a mission to declutter his house, see my mom passed away about two years ago and she was a collector of many things. Many, many things. To be honest she was a packrat. A very nice pack rat but a pack rat nonetheless. Whenever I visit […]
Menu Monday: Food as Medicine
It's that time of the year when we start worrying about preventing illness. The flu, enterovirus, rotovirus, and now ebola (although that's incredibly unlikely). Food can play a great part in how our bodies respond to illness and it can also comfort us when we are ill. Eating a good a varied diet can boost […]
Menu Monday: 15 Minute Meals
It is absolutely essential that every busy mom (and dad) have a few 15 minute meals in their repertoire. There are days in each week that require some quick thinking and lightening fast meal prep. This is where having the well stocked pantry pays off as well. If you always have on hand the ingredients for a […]